Thursday 2 May 2013

A letter from a father of student

Dear  Principal,
I  am father of Telesa,so  I  think  I have the right  to  write  to  you   a  letter  of  complaint  and
Suggestion   about  unhealthy   food.
On  Pizza  Day  I  Saw  by  myself  the  food  you  prepared  and served  the  students,drinks  too
much   sugar, pizza   too  much oil  and  salt, and also  too  big  a  serving.   It is  very  bad really.
So  I  think it again  and  again, I  am wondering   and  worrying  that whether  I should   write this
Letter, whether    I  am  wrong. NO,no  I  am not  wrong, I  think  I should  give you advice  and
What  an  awful  situation  in  the future  for  the  young   students  with  such  unhealthy  food.
They  might  be  overweighted, obesity, patients  of  diabetes  ,high  blood  pressure  ,heart/
Brain  diseases,etc.
Though  you   might   say  you  are  right  for  you  think  you  give more  nuitrients  to students,and
You  might  think   it  a  good  way  to  raise  fund  to buy   educational  instruments  and  equipments.
But I  think  you  are  wrong  really. We  should  hold   high  the  principle’”STUDENT’S  health   first”.We should  do everything  in  a  right  way.
What  to  do  from  now then?  Following  is  my suggestion.  
First,supply  healthy  food with  suitable  serving;
Second,Gathering/raising  more  money  by  selling   handworks  made  by  students  and  presentations   or  Performances  of  singings   and  dances;
Third,strive  to set  up the  new  living  style  to  improve  the  health of  students  and  schoolmateship /neighbourhood.
It  might  be  difficult , but  you  could  have  the strong  support  from  the parents  of  students.Believe  us.we  could  work  together  for  the wonderful  future  of  high  level 
Best    Regards
